Sunday 30 August 2015

Trending Marketing Automation Features

Marketing automation is becoming an integral part of the marketing mix for modern marketers. With this automated solution, they can send out the right information at the right time to nurture prospects during their buying process. Marketing automation streamlines the marketing workflows, making sure that marketers can improve their operational efficiency and increase ROI.

Here are the top marketing automation features to consider in this year as well as 2016:

  1. Segmentation: Distribute your large target audience into small subsets of customers who share common interests and needs. The different list management and segmentation filters help to identify the unique individual subsets. It also facilitates the configuration of business rules, making it easy to automatically add individuals into the related segments and improving targeted marketing.
  2. Visitor Tracking: Track your visitor and prospect activity in real time. You can get to know who visited your website, how much time they spent on each page and the type of content that interested them. It will also provide you the full business legal name as well as a geographic location of the previously unknown website visitors.
  3. ROI Reporting and Analytics: Link each closed deal back to its source through closed-loop reporting. With powerful reporting and analytics abilities, marketers like you can determine the real ROI of their efforts. This will help you gain valuable insights into your email client, open rates, deliverability rates and more.
  4. Hosted Marketing Files: Get to know how your collaterals are performing. You can host your files and automatically generate the tracking URLs, which eventually helps in the thorough analysis of your content. You can easily determine which content relates best to your prospects using insights such as content views, link clicks, or downloaded files.
  5. Real-time Sales Alerts: Track every move of your potential customers with ease. With sales alerts, lead or contact records in your CRM are just one click away. You can easily gauze the sales-readiness of your prospects, while also reviewing any relevant information before making the sale initiative.
  6. Responsive Landing Pages and Forms: Turbocharge your lead generation process with responsive Landing Pages and Forms. Marketing automation allows you to build customized landing pages that complements the look and feel of your brand. You can also tie the assets stocked in your automation system for the purpose of downloadable content.

Accelerate your sales funnel

Having read all this, you might be interested in implementing these Marketing Automation Solutions in your marketing and sales processes. Well, you’re on the right way. Make sure to hire the services of certified professionals to implement a solution that is robust, helping you drive amazing outcomes for your venture. Good luck!

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